Brief with additional information for review

The brief contains qualifying questions that will help you better understand the style of your future site and its mechanics and marketing component. Try to give detailed answers wherever it is provided.

Please fill in all fields as much as you can, if you are not sure about the answer, put a dash

Write the full or abbreviated name of your company
Specify the address of the site, if any
Field of activity, type of business which field you work explain specific details if its necessary
Describe your main competitors, positive and negative sides (in your opinion)
Write in which regions you work (cities)
Name and contacts of the person who will be responsible for the creation of the site on your part
Specify site type
Gender / Age / Preferences / Location
Site goals
Choose one or more goals that you want to achieve with the site
What kind of website do you need?
Services for communicating with site visitors
Select the desired services for communication with site visitors
Online sales services
Tick the features that a website for online sales should have
Integration with third-party services and programs
Specify the services with which you want to integrate the site
Do you need versions of the site in other languages? Specify languages for translation
Specify the main sections of the site. For example: About, Catalog, News, etc.
What menus should be present on the site on the left, right, top, bottom? What items should it contain? * Can be left to the designers discretion
List the information blocks that should be present on the main and internal pages. Example: News Block, Stock Slider, Photo Gallery, etc.
Write addresses of sites whose design you like, write what you like, why, it can be any site on any subject. At least 2
Write the addresses of sites whose design you do not like, write what you like, why. At least 2
What elements of corporate identity exist and can be used in the development of design
The mood and associations that the site design should evoke
Quality photos?
Minimum resolution of 1600, better 1920 and pictures for design and JPEG format
Describe the requirements and wishes, you can write any information that you think can help the designer
Describe a few wishes, as well as colors categorically not used for the site. If at the discretion of the designer - so write
Is there ready-made content to put on the site?
What kind of website animation do you need?
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